classical lit

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Wednesday April 4

  • opening lines: weaving
  • no morals of the stories~ it's not about immoral or moral
  • Calvino
  • you can't extract a moral form this, it's ambiguous
  • can all the horror be justified by a pretty poem?
  • Brothers Karamazov
  • Shakespeare's sonnet 65:

Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
But sad mortality o'er-sways their power,
How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O, how shall summer's honey breath hold out
Against the wreckful siege of battering days,
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays?
O fearful meditation! where, alack,
Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid?
Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back?
Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?
O, none, unless this miracle have might,
That in black ink my love may still shine bright.

Monday April 2


1) Daphne and Lois
2) The Golden Ass
3) The Setengan

  • Madame Defarge from A Tale of Two Cities also knitted
  • from violence to love~ Ovid gets everything
  • "he bit the dust" Homer and Queen
  • the award went to..... Ashley for the best 5 lines about Europa
  • "Europa is now terrified..." is like 13 ways of looking at a Blackbird by Wally Stevens
  • "Something is ending, yet something is beginning too." ~Ashley on the Rape of Europa
  • Europa is stupid because she should have learned from Io, and the she could have prevented her abduction
  • Artists: Pan, Arachne, Cyrx, Daedalus
  • "The only things that make life interesting are the stories" ~ Dr. Sexson
  • Muslims women can't do anything perfect because Allah is the only one who is perfect. If they make something flawless they take out a few stitches to make it flawed.
  • our conscience was created by Shakespeare, therefore by Ovid
  • James Joyce: was educated by Jesuits, which helped him develop his views: "do not judge a book because you find it distasteful..."
  • Oscar Wilde: "There is no such thing as an immoral/ moral book, there are only well written/ badly written books"


  1. wholeness
  2. harmony
  3. radiance


everything has a dark side, and you must always ask: What have we gained? And what have we lost?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cupid and Psyche

I really loved this story. Although Psyche was a little naive, Cupid was a Mamma's boy, and Venus was the mother-in-law from hell, it was a beautiful. It was so romantic that the god of love fell in love, and that Psyche not only fell in love with her faceless husband, but love its self. I also enjoyed the evil sisters, they were so evil that I think they might have given Goneril and Regan a run for their money. It added so much that it was a frame story because you not only got to enjoy the the beautiful story that was being told, you also had to remember that it was being told by a nasty old woman to a beautiful captive girl in a dark and menacing cave. How horrible it would have been to be Charite, and not know if you would ever see your beloved fiance again. Especially after reading farther into the story and seeing how it ended for her, I hope that she at least got a little comfort and joy out of the beautiful story of Cupid and Psyche.