exam #1 questions...
- What did Demeter do to get revenge for Persephone abduction? ~She sent winter
- What is a senex? ~ a doddering old fool
- What are the 3 manifestations of the Universal goddess (triple goddess)? ~ the crone, the maiden and the mother
- What is the definition of 'puer?' ~An archetypal youth
- The reason why 'I' couldn't have taken your cattle? ~ "I was born yesterday"
- What did Aggy have to do to be able to go to the Trojan War? ~ sacrifice Iffy, his daughter
- What is the heart of all tragedy according to Sophy? ~ The best thing that could happen to you is to have never been born
- What is the definition of sparagmos? ~rendering/tearing of live flesh; SHREDDING
- What is 'the kore?' ~ the maiden (Persephone)
- How was Dionysus born? ~ He of the 'double doors' who was created from Zeus's thigh
- What is stichomythia? ~ a short, pungent exchange between characters (agnostic combatants)
- Name the 5 conflicts in Antigone. ~ 1) man and woman, 2) young and old, 3) individual and society, 4) living and the dead, 5) man and the gods
- What was Aphrodite Urania the goddess of? ~ spiritual love
- What does Dr. Sexson think was 'shown' during the Eleusian mysteries ceremony? ~ a stalk of wheat
- What does Antigone's name mean? ~ anti- birth
- What is the definition of a 'hubris?' ~ overwhelming sense of pride or arrogance
- What is the 'tragic flaw' of all characters? ~ that they were born
- Is there going to be a test of your knowledge of lines 441-581 in Antigone? ~ perhaps
- Who do you invoke for inspiration? ~ the muses
- How many muses are there? ~ 9
- What was the name of the first song (performed by Hermes)? ~ stairway to heaven
- What does chthonic mean? ~ relating to the underworld
- What did Persephone eat that binded her to the underworld? ~ a pomegranate seed
- What did Tyreseus experience that no one else can? ~ life as both a male and a female
- What does 'hysterical' mean? ~ detached womb
- Who was the father of the muses? ~ Zeus
- What does 'catharsis' mean? ~purgation, cleansing of the system
- Was Jocasta only Antigone's mother? ~ No, she was also her grandmother
- What is the definition of 'pous?' ~city
- What does 'mythos' mean? ~ story
- When is Cassi's b-day, and where was she born? ~ February 2, 1987 in Grand Junction, Co
- Is it time to go? ~ yes, it's 2:03 pm
You also need to know much more, these are just what we discussed in class.
Remember you should go to Jann, Elizabeth, and Amanda's blogs too!