Monday April 23
Group 5:
Agon Support Group:
- Tiresias
- Philomela
- Daedalus
- Antigone
- Agave
- Creon
key ideas:
- a sly stichomythia
- they needed the scapegoat for the group to exist
What was the most important aspect of the group?
the notion of the scapegoat
Group 6:
- the 5 conflicts from Antigone and how they work today
- living and the dead: the 'Marley and Marley' song from Muppet's Christmas Carol
- Women and men: first date and mindsets of men and woman (with Cosmo and Maxim)
- individual and society: Urtle the Turtle
- man vs god: court case about the man in trapped in the garage
- old vs young: the 'iceberg metaphor' from Big Fish
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