classical lit

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Test questions

  1. Which birds represent Procne and Philomela? ~ a swallow and a nightingale, respectively
  2. What is the definition of ate? ~ infatuation to the point of ruin
  3. Who is the original artificer/ artisan? ~ Daedalus
  4. Who is the god of sleep, dreams and disguises? ~ Morpheus
  5. What should we avoid at all costs? ~ old people
  6. What is Aristophane's theory about the soul mate? ~ joined together in the beginning then split in half
  7. Tragedy always emphasizes ___________ and comedy always emphasizes___________. ~ individual; community
  8. According to Plato, how does one reach immortality of the soul? ~ knowledge, virtue, or art
  9. Socrates said that everything he learned about love he learned from__________? ~ Diotema
  10. What is Socratic irony? ~ claiming to know nothing, and knowing everything
  11. What does Icarus fail to do that leads to his demise? ~ he flew too close to the sun and melted his wax wings
  12. What was the difference between Arachne and Minerva's weavings? ~ the victims of the gods and the good of the gods, respectively
  13. What is the final scene (farthest away) in Velasquez's paining 'the spinners'? ~ The rape of Europa
  14. What does the name Pentheus mean? ~ man of constant sorrow
  15. How is Cademus related to Pentheus? ~ he is his grandfather
  16. What did Ulysses think he deserved the arms of Achilles? ~ he started it all
  17. What Shakespearean play was inspired by Tiresius' and Philomena? ~ Tytus Andronicus
  18. What is a characteristic of New Comedy? ~ boys wants girl
  19. What is anagnorsis? or The moment when Agave brought the head of her son Pentheus to her father and he had to make her realize the truth... ~ recognition/ anagnorsis
  20. What is the first example of framing in the Metamorphoses? ~ Pan and the Syrinx as told by Mercury to Argus
  21. What is grace? ~ the awareness of God's presence in the world
  22. What does omophagia mean? ~ the eating of living flesh
  23. Who is love the child of? ~ Poverty and contrivance
  24. How old will the Metamorphoses be in 2008? ~ 2000 years old
  25. What was Daphne turned into? ~ a laurel tree
  26. What does naso mean? ~ nose
  27. What is Ovid's real name? ~ Publius Ovidius Naso


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