Wednesday April 25
Individual Presentations 1:
Alison Zobel:
- 'can't touch this: nether regions 101'
- Lysistrata- reversal of men and women
- the refusal of sex
Chase Wright:
- Dionysus and Jesus Christ
- both martyred and then reborn
- D is a dead religion, while JC is modern
- both fathered by the Kingdom of Heaven and mothered by a human
- both turned water into wine
- both have rituals where you eat the flesh and drink the blood (or wine)
Hannah Vidrich:
- Lysistrata and real examples
- women compared to: 1) a dog, 2) sea, 3) a bee
Brittany Taylor:
- story by her grandma 'Nana'
- the story was about misbehaving and breaking the rules, which is what all of the people in our books did
- this is a way to create stories
Meagan Thale:
- love is intertwined in each story- especially with the women
- their reactions
- love is confusion
- poem 'She is found' by Elsa Giblow
Jesse Stolba:
- skit about a mommy and her son
Jan Sprizziri:
- Dionysus and Virginia Tech shooting
- he created a video on u-tube which was like D's speech at the end of The Bacchae
- women's roles in the texts and contemporary comparisons:
- Lysistrata= Rosie the Riveter
- Agave= a sheep
- Europa and Arachne= themselves
- Psyche= Jessica Simpson
- Diotema= Grandmother Willow
- Antigone= Lara Croft
Barbra Ralston:
- told a frame story about the myths found in her life
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