Friday May 4
Individual Presentations 5:
- 6 degrees of separation in between each person
- sparagmos-> Shakespeare (sonnet 18)-> Adonis-> Bob Ross-> Ben Franklin-> bald eagle -> domestic policy
- Nmonsyne-> Wordsworth-> Ashton Kutcher (The Butterfly Effect)-> psyche (soul)-> Volumptua-> Sir Mixalot (I like Big Butts)
- Lysistrata (Aristophanes)-> Trace Atkins ( I learned how to love from you)-> Diotema (Plato and angel wings)-> Bob Dillon-> Forest Gump (story about the story)
- Pomegrant-> Pecotte (triple goddess)-> Kevin Costner (Rumor Has It)-> Dustin Hoffman (Finding Neverland)-> Sybil (eternal youth)-> pickles (age in a jar)
- story of how she was abducted by Sutter to go floating on the river and then got lost
- hitchhiked with Jon (Tiresias) to car
- rewarded with milkshakes
- used Sutter as a scapegoat to get a later presentation date
- Rembrandt painted himself 50 times
- not attractive (but his brilliance makes up for it~ that's from me ;)
- all artists are obsessed with themselves
- story of Narcissus and Echo is better than Pygmalion
- cosmic evolution= man is matter- matter thinking about matter
- art: reflects its self in matter, the reflection of humanity
- because Narcissus was obsessed with his reflection, we see that art is a deceptive reflection
- Art lies
- triple goddess in Cupid and Psyche
- WHITE: the maiden
- RED: the mother
- DARK (brown/black): crone
- Psyche transforms from the maiden to the mother in her story
- the crone is telling the story and passing on her wisdom
- tells the story about love: teaches you lessons
- past: 6/7 years ago she went to visit her sister (Stacy) and Grandpa in California
- went to get an In & Out burger in a car that was broken and falling apart
- said it felt like an epic poem like The Odyssey or Gilgamesh
- Wrote and epic poem about it for her paper
- 'the Importance of Being Art' ~nice! ;)
- art is the only reality that we have
- How powerful Ovid is in our current society
- Ovid v the things that are influenced by it
- progeny wins because it is so huge
- what came out of Ovid is much bigger than Ovid its self
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