Monday March 5
Mick= "The man who loved his cat"

I agree with Mick though, because I think that usually pets are better than people.
vertiginously: turning around, whirling or dizziness
contrivance: to bring about something, or make it up (fiction is a contrivance)
poesis: poetry
logos: truth
mythos (story)+ logos (truth) = mythology
Symposium continued and ended...
- symbol- symboline- tally
- pg 48- Diotima tells a is more important to be loved than to love
- The Wizard of Oz: "better to be loved by others"
3 levels of belief:
- naive acceptance: believing without questions
- skeptism: a stage of terror- afraid to believe, but afraid not to
- believing and disbelieving in a fruitful way- truth and story work together
When did you learn that there was no Santa?
- One day at school in the 5th grade a little boy said that there was no Santa, and I hit him. When the principal called my mom, and told her why I had gotten in a fight, she said that she'd take care of it. When she came to pick me up, she sat me down and told me "Santa is more of a state of mind, he is the spirit of Christmas, rather than a person." And I said: "NO! He is real! And you are a liar!!" We got in a huge fight, and my Mom gave up and let me believe. And I still believe to this day.
- My roommate Megan said that she found out there was no Santa when she noticed that her Mom's handwriting was the same as Santa's. When she approached her Mom about it, she told her not to tell her brother.
Poros: 'contrivance,' the father of Aphrodite
Contrivance + Poverty (want) = Aphrodite
"Important not to be loved, but to be a lover" ~ page 49
daimon: demon
Pregnant in the soul: Homer
- The Odyssey
- The Iliad
- these children last longer than real children
- immortality/existence of the soul
- virtue/goodness
"We are all lovers searching for some thing to love" ~ Dr. Sexson
The most wonderful type of love is:
- someone you can learn from
- "Someone who makes you be a philosopher (a lover of wisdom)"
- to be immortal, you must be virtuous
- it is important to be good, and learn how to be good
Words to describe Lysistrata:
- graphic
- horrifying
- funny
- amusing
- disliked the pink cover
- men withholding sex
- lewd, crude humor
- resistors
- classical smut
- crude
- liked it
- unexpected
- ruthless
- shameless
comedy: life is the best thing ever "give me more life" ~Faulstaff
- life that is absolutely shameless is better than no life at all
- need to hang onto it even if we shamed ourselves
- all they want in life
- "love is all you need"
- Old comedy: only 1 to survive= ex) Aristophanes
(repelling and funny)
- New comedy: 90% of what we've seen is this- the same plot over and over: boy wants girl, boy can't get girl, boy gets girl ex) Moonstruck and The Graduate
- Shakespearian comedy: folk ritual drama, and immemorial paganism
Roman comedy: boy and dad want the same girl, boy gets rid of them to have girl, and the mom usually helps
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