Monday, February 26
irony: what is expected and what really happens
Socratic irony: what is said and what is meant
hiccups: is it ironic that the speech was interrupted by hiccups?
patriarchy: only men are aloud in the Symposium

"I'm a he-man woman hater"
Frame story: a story, within a story, within a story...
Plato-------> Apollo-----> Aristodemis: the story was being told 4 hands away
dialectical philosophy: philosophy and literature
Plato: "all of us are sitting in a theater watching shadows"
Why do we feel that things are real, when they are just a movie? It's not real, but we act as if it is.
"We don't see the 'real' things unless we are educated in our imagination" ~Dr. Sexson
The Matrix is an allegory of the imagination. They think they are awake, and then one day wake up and realize that they are in an incubator and aren't awake at all.
Socrates: leading you out of your errors of thinking gently
Job: the man from the land of Uz
Konig: German word for king
a mark: someone who can be taken advantage of
raconteur: a storyteller
other storytellers: The Scheherazade and Esther
It was all a dream...
Dorothy: "There's no place like home"
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