Persephone in the strangest places...

Last weekend, while watching 'Catch and Release' in theaters, I found the strangest thing... One of Jennifer Gardner's friends in the movie was dating a girl named Persephone! When his roommate answered her call one time, he asked her if it was hot down there, and when she answered where? He said: "In hell." She was really upset by this, and hung up on him, and then he said: "I don't know what's wrong with her, its not like I called her Antigone!" (or something to that effect, it was 2 weeks ago!) As you can imagine, I was pretty excited! What are the odds that two of the pieces that we are reading in class would be mentioned in one movie!? The best part, though, was when my friend turned to me and said: "Hey, isn't that the chick that you have been talking about all the time?" I was so proud that she remembered! So, I'm sorry Dr. Sexson, I don't think that I fulfilled your assignment to lose friends, but at least they will all be very well educated!
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